Friday, October 26, 2012

Crystal Lab

In September we did crystal lab . In that lab we grew crystal labs.We used water some scientific cups and minerals. We put tiny minerals in the cup and mixed it
with water. We did this until it stopped dissolving.Then we attached paper clip to the pencil using rope.After that we waited until it grew crystals on it.

Metallic Luster:Looks like metal.

Non Metallic Luster:Mineral that doesn't look like mineral.

Streak:Powder that comes off mineral.Color or colorless/white.

Cleavage:Mineral that breaks evenly.

Fracture:Mineral that breaks unevenly.

Composition:Chemical that mineral is made out of.

Color:Appearance of mineral

Hardness:Soft or Hard, Scratches or gets scratched


Sunday, October 14, 2012

Science is one complicated subject that almost nobody understands.
I like movies that are Sci-Fi
This generation scares me.
Pizza is my favorite food.
I will be a doctor most likely when i grow up.
I have 0 siblings but i always wanted a sister.
My favorite color is blue.
My favorite thing to do is camping outside in the forest.
Watch out we got a bad... over here
I wish  i had super powers.